The form of Reflections is itself a response to this moment, using augmented reality technology to create a hands-free virtual sound installation that can be experienced in both physical and virtual space.
Click “launch” above.
Make sure the audio on your device is on. The installation is best experienced using headphones, if available.
Walk into the field in front of you. When you reach any of the zones marked on this map, your device will automatically play the track associated with that zone. The order and duration of your experience of these tracks will depend on how you choose to navigate this space.
If you are not receiving a stable location in the Player, give your phone a moment to collect location data from available satellites. If you continue to have location instability, click the “person” icon in the lower lefthand corner of the player interface and drag the icon to any track you would like to hear.
For the safety of yourself and others, please remember to maintain a social distance of 6 feet or more from other participants and wear a face covering.
Free public WiFi is available within Glendale Central Park for the duration of the installation. WiFi Network: Library Net.